Forced to relax

Although I'm on vacation, I have a lot to do -- dishes still need to be done, clothes still need to be washed, and bathrooms still need to be cleaned. Alas, we have a broken pipe, so the water to the house has been turned off. Luckily, our friend Joe has agreed to come fix the pipe today -- on the Sunday before Labor Day, no less. What a guy! (Yes, our friend Joe is a plumber. Joe the Plumber. No, not that Joe the Plumber; nothing like that guy, actually.)

For the past couple of hours, I've been sitting here trying to figure out some chore or task to do without water, and I can't, and it's frustrating me. Either the task itself requires water, such as the chores listed above, or involves a great deal of washing up afterwords with water, such as weeding the garden.

I guess I could sweep -- that doesn't require water -- but it doesn't seem like an urgent enough task to motivate me. Especially after one of these.

Yes, it's true: the lack of one of mankind's basic necessities -- water -- is forcing me to sit and drink Cuba Libres made from Mexican Coca-Cola and Meyer's Jamaican rum.

Life is good.
