Oh, those cosmos!

Just look at those half-dead cosmos. WHAT an eyesore.
'Bright Lights' cosmos, end of season

Why, there's hardly a blossom on those sad stems.
'Bright Lights' cosmos

Why on earth don't they cut them down already?
Honey bee on cosmos

Every year, we're "treated" to this, erm, "display."
'Bright Lights' cosmos

There's no purpose to keeping those ugly things standing that I can see.
Orange sulphur on cosmos

I mean, they're right there, next to their patio. Do they not see the problem here?
'Bright Lights' cosmos

Isn't there something in the deed restrictions against this sort of thing?
'Bright Lights' cosmos

I'm thinking they're just too darn lazy to deal with this problem.
American lady on cosmos

No purpose, no reason, and no excuse. Ugh.
Cosmos seed heads

Sigh. Maybe we should go over and say something. Or build a tall fence.
Common mestra on cosmos

Words and photos © 2009-2010 Caroline Homer for "The Shovel-Ready Garden". Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.


  1. Oh I can see beauty in everyone of these photos..go over and grab a few seeds for yourself.

  2. Oh, yes indeed, Caroline! Give me some of that eyesore any day.

    I really love that orange against your blue house. Your pics show the beauty of not only the flowers in their prime but the faded and gone-to-seed ones as well.


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