Peas, peas, peas

The snap peas are still going strong! I planted these peas in the fall and we've been eating peas for dinner at least once a week for the past 6 weeks or so.
Snap pea

The blossoms are fascinating. This one reminds me of a dinosaur or bird head.
Snap pea blossom

The tendrils grab on to almost anything to anchor the climbing vines...
Pea tendril

...including each other. To the sky!
Pea tendrils

Words and photos © 2009-2012 Caroline Homer for "The Shovel-Ready Garden". Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.


  1. I'm growing sweet peas and English peas. I started them in January, so no peas yet. Hopefully, I'll get some peas before it get's too hot. You were smart starting yours early.

  2. I think peas are an overall pretty vegetable plant. Dainty and strong! Hope you're finding enough reci-peas to cope with the crop!

  3. A few years ago I planted some peas and Shawn and I would stand out in the garden picking and eating them straight form the vine. Of course I always said I'd plant more, but I never have...

  4. Okay, I'm adding them next year. Years ago I did them but must do again. Lovely pictures!!


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