Wordless Wednesday, How High The Moon Edition


Words and photos © 2009-2010 Caroline Homer for "The Shovel-Ready Garden". Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.


  1. Hey,

    So I got a notice that my potatoes are shipping this week...and I could have sworn that I put down July 19th for the ship week, not June 21st. are yours still scheduled to arrive mid July?

    oh well.


  2. Katina, call them and ask them to hold them. They wanted to ship mine "ASAP" because they weren't certain the seed potatoes would remain "viable" until mid July. I made it clear that the very earliest I could plant them would be mid July. They said they would wait til the first week of July but that all the varieties may not "hold" till then.

  3. Nice mooning, Caroline! It has been lovely this week, hasn't it?


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